Wednesday, September 10, 2008


9% of my stay here is already over.

I want the weather to become colder, but the length of my stay to slow down. The experience so far has been great, and I know it will only become better. Also, be sure to check out the Flickr link on the right! I've added a few more photos!

Today, I woke up at 10 AM, once again with a decent night's sleep. This little fan, although stubborn at first, has become vital to my survival. After checking the 'net and following my usual routine of email checking, forums, and news, I made some breakfast. Scrambled eggs (its so easy to make!) and yogurt. I didn't feel so well this morning, but I rested for about an hour before heading to class.

Book Arts. Second Day. We made 3 little books. Each with a different type of stitching. 1-stitch, 2-stitch, and french stitch.

first three books that i made

The blue is the one stitch, and has the binding visible on the outside. I also constructed the back cover to close into the front cover, concealing the pages. The green is the two stitch, and is made by stitching two separate signatures (bundles of folded paper) together with one thread, making the binding tight, and almost hidden. The orange is, of course, the french stitch, which allows the thread of the binding to be completely hidden. It was really fun, and surprisingly challenging, to make these. It's tougher than it seems to fold a stack of papers in such a way that they are all even and flush. After class, a couple of girls and I went to a supply store called Salvini where we picked up some paper for next week. We will be making accordion style books, and are required to create our own sketchbook for the class.

After getting back to the apartment, I made a sandwich. Once again: mortadella bologna, cheese, tomato. I turned on MTV but it was nothing of interest, so I went to my room. I'm not sure if it was tiredness or just slight boredom but I laid down in my bed to relax for a while. Surprising, I took a nap, which probably isn't good because I have to wake up at 7:30 AM tomorrow and now will be up later than I already am. After awaking, I made dinner. Pasta with olive oil, basil, peppers, and freshly cut tomatoes. It was kind of bland but luckily I also made some fresh bruschetta that helped to add flavor to the pasta. Another glass of wine and a cup of milk.

My arm started really hurting me and is beginning to drive me crazy. My mom is going to try and call the doctor to ask about what the process is for it to heal and how long this may take. Hopefully it doesn't take long, because i'm not supposed to apply deodorant near the wound, for obvious reasons, which makes it kind of embarrassing, for obvious reasons.

After dinner, I cleaned up, and talked to my mom some more on gmail. I've also been spending the last half hour jamming to some Led Zeppelin which has been extremely comforting.

Tomorrow I have to be at SACI at 8 AM with my passport so they can identify me, I suppose, when they turn in the Permission to Stay forms. Also, nearly a week later, is my second Art History course. I'm very excited about this and am looking forward to learning more about Florence.

Have a great night!



[chris] said...

What were those Italian broads like? Any hotties?
Also what did you do to your arm if you don't mind me askin?

James Martin said...

i had a cyst drained, so they cut a hole in my underarm to do so, and then i had to pack it with gauze for a week, and now its supposed to magically heal.. but its a hole, so i don`t know how its supposed to do this lol..

every italian woman here is beautiful!

Heather said...

Hey, what is your cell phone number??? If you're around, why don't you come over before my presentation... did I mention I have AIR CONDITIONING at my house???

text me 328-322-8414

Kevin Woodland said...

what kind of coffee are you liking over there James? have you found a coffee shop you like yet? when i was there we had a little espresso percolator that came with our apartment, so every morning i would make wimpy little cups: one for me, one for Rob, my roommate. then buy another 6 or 7 cups throughout the day at the various cafes on our long walk to SACI (we lived across the river, so there we LOTS to choose from on the way). hope that wound heals up quickly so you can make those books a little easier. take it easy james!

James Martin said...

believe it or not, i haven't had a coffee yet... partly because i don't normally drink it, and partly because i dont know what to ask for ahaha. i don't like straight black coffee, so i'm going to try the espresso next time i get the chance.

i bought a birro moretto to chill wit tonight! salud!

nellifirenze said...

Hi James I have come back from NY. Great city! I really enjoyed it.
Now I understand many of the differencies you notice living here.

For us is so weird to drink milk with chicken! :-)

How long are you staying here in Florence?

Maybe I can show you some places where florentine people go :)


ps so funny reading your blog. great job!