Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 24

I woke up at 7:30 am for my early day. And, what do you know, I have the sorest throat ever. I showered, made a caffè, grabbed a water, and left for class.

Art history was in the classroom today and Helen went over Italo-Byzantine art. It was a very interesting lecture, and even better since I had a full night's sleep. I typed the notes this time instead of handwriting them and was able to get a lot more written. I can type faster than I can write so this method seems to be numero uno from now on.

After class I walked around the open air market in search for some sunglasses. I finally found a pair I liked. The guy told me seven euro, I offered four, and we settled on five. Here they are:

my new shades!

After getting the new shades, I ran home for a while. I ate the rest of the torettini from last night and relaxed for a bit before graphic design class. I headed to class at quarter til 1 and prepared for the long three hours. When I arrived, I began working on the collage, attempting to finally finish it. But, the program was going so slow that I finally closed out. I guess I'll work on that some other time. I did, however, make some decent progress on the Identity. I'm doing the different sections of the Central Market. I'll post some mock ups when I get the chance.

On the way home from class, I stopped to pick up a few last minute things from the supermarket. I talked to mom for a second online, read some of the NY times, watched a funny david letterman youtube clip about McCain standing him up, and then made dinner. I made homemade meatballs from scratch (a feat that i'm very proud of). To accompany them, I made pasta and tomato sauce. I had with it some butter bread and a glass of water.

spaghetti and meatballs!!

After dinner, my throat worsened. It hurts to swallow and my nose won't stop running. I've sneezed atleast 10 times today, which is very unusual for me. And so now, even though it's only 8 pm, I am going to take some NyQuil, pop some more Tylenol, drink a glass of cold water, and lay in bed until the drowsiness sets in, allowing me to hopefully sleep off this cold.



Unknown said...

YUM meatballs. I hope you feel better in the morning my love

Hi Tony
Love you

Unknown said...

Paula! I Love You too!!! (or was that for James...)

Yeah, get some good rest man. Maybe you're just getting used to the dry weather (at least I've heard they have a dry atmosphere there...)

Can't wait to see your projects. Are you getting fat from all the pasta? You don't wanna look like me... I would live on pasta if I could. How'd you make the meetballs? My mom puts breadcrumbs in hers, they're good. LaRosa's meatballs are my favorite though. I started classes today, they're ok so far. I have an Art History class with some stuff from over there so maybe we'll have something to talk about when you get back.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

That last one was bad. I hit the wrong button.

James Martin said...

i used crushed up cereal, generic kellog's flakes in place of bread crumbs, an egg, some spices, a little water, and voilà!

let me know how the art history course goes... we're covering byzantine - early renaissance