Monday, September 22, 2008


Today began at 10 AM. I showered, looked up where S. Croce is, picked out the best possible route, grabbed a banana, and ran out the door.

S. Croce!!

The walk took longer than I expected and I ended up meeting the Art History class late at the Basilica of S. Croce. We saw a lot of the church and museum that connects to it. Class went over a few minutes, therefore making me inevitably late for bookmaking. I got to the class just as she was finishing up the demo, however, I examined an example of the book and figured out my own means of creation. I left class at 3:30 and headed home for a late lunch/snack. I made bruschetta with tomatoes, onion, basil, garlic powder, pepper, olive oil, and a touch of peperoncino. It was delish.

new book!

After this I attempted to work on my collage. However, the mac I borrowed from Libby's ram wasn't sufficient enough to open my document. I'm going to borrow Heather's mac tomorrow to finish it up before class. I then rested for a bit by trying to take a nap only to wake up what seemed like 2 minutes after my eyes closed. I left for the video meeting.

Lucio, Heather's husband, made us dinner. Stuffed ravioli (heather, what were they called?), two kinds of eggplant, one fried and one cooked with mozzerella and tomato sauce, bread, spinach, and fresh mozzerella and tomato. It was a fantastic meal and tasted great. Lucio did an excellent job. We also viewed the old SACI promotional video and discussed what we liked and disliked about it. We're going to view some other videos and see what kind of techniques they used that may be interesting to consider for ours. There is so much information to cover within the video; however, I'm certain that we will come up with a fresh, revitalizing approach. I got home at 10:30, thirty minutes ago, and am exhausted from my day. I'm looking forward to getting a relaxing, long night's sleep to prepare for the hecticity (just go with it) that is going to consume tomorrow.

Buona Notte!


Anonymous said...

Hey James!
Sounds like Italy is amazing... especially the food part. One of my really good friends, Jessica Davis, is also there right now. Weird, eh?

Hope all is well!


Unknown said...

the food sounds amaaaazing! I think I'm Italian at heart :-P Still can't wait for the video hurry up already!

James Martin said...

luda, i guess all the realllllly cool people know exactly when to hit up firenze.

tony, the video wont be done until may haha.