Saturday, September 6, 2008

5th day / / pictures!!

I kind of slept last night... I'd say for at least a 4 hour span.

I arose today at 8 am, brushed my teeth, re-wrapped myself, got dressed, took out my notebook, set up my ipod, grabbed a few euros, and departed.

The walk to school this morning was extremely fast due to the ipod. It was a 3 song walk, which is nice. Before arriving to SACI, I grabbed a water and a yogurt. 30 minutes into class I was so hungry. An hour and 30 minutes later, I got to eat.

Rewind a little to class though. It was the first course of my semester. Early Renaissance Art History. The class sounds like it's going to be amazing. Back in the states, art history wasn't something that I was particularly compelled to study; however, the teacher is so extremely knowledgeable and kind and approachable. Not to mention, I get to travel all over Italy for free. Holla! We got a little bit more history of Italy today and she told us something that I never knew before. The city of Florence has an entire city underneath it. It is the ruins from the Romans prior to the dark ages when the city was wiped out and rebuilt into many of the buildings that are currently here now.

After class, I tried to find a super market to buy some food for the apartment. No luck with this, so instead I went to a Dolce shop and bought some salami, milk, and bread. The sandwich was great!

I came home, turned on MTV (go figure) and then decided to face the awful hot bedroom and take a nap. I awoke 20 minutes ago to the delight that my computer finally accepted and read my camera's memory card! So without further adieu, some pictures of my journey thus far. Enjoy!

click the Flickr link on the right to check out the rest!

statue the baptistry!


Anonymous said...

I was looking at your pictures and its amazing how our pictures look so alike! When you find a grocery store near you-you should get some fresh bread, salami and fontina cheese...i ate that almost everyday and it never got old. I hope everything is going well!

Taylor said...

oh goodness, i just read all of your entries...sounds pretty hectic, but quite the adventure!! :) hopefully you get everything figured out soon!

oh, and i am jealous that you get to take that art hist IN italy..because that is which class i am in right now...and it's kind of boring just seeing pictures. blah.

take care! :)
