Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 36

I've been waking up before my alarm clock. This has been awesome because I get to sleep longer than I feel I would otherwise. I got up today at 8 am, showered, and headed to SACI to log sheets for the videos I've shot so far. The rest of the team then met at 10:30 am to discuss the next week and to get video assignments.

I went to design class at 1, and worked some more on my Identity Manual. During class, I also did a bit of research for my future travels. I have a pretty packed schedule with traveling but I'm so stoked about it. I'm making the most of my time here, for sure.

After design, I met at SACI with the advanced painting class. I was in charge of filming their meeting with the Santa Maria Nuova hospital. The class will create tiles that will comprise the work of the bathroom of the new hospital that is being built. It's pretty cool to see that some SACI student's will have their work showcased permanently in the same city as so many other great artists.

I went home, stopping along the way to get something for dinner. I got ravioli. I made a cheesy tomato sauce to top it and a glass of milk to accent the composition. A yogurt was also enjoyed for dessert.


After dinner, I talked to Mom for a second and then talked to Greg. We discussed a bunch of things. Once such thing being the idea of going to Scotland to play golf at St. Andrews. I began doing some research as we were talking and got pretty excited at the possibility. Although it may replace Nice, I think that the experience will be a more memorable one for me.

It's been a very long day and I've been up now longer than I anticipated. I'm going to get a good night's sleep (hopefully mosquito-less) and prepare for tomorrow.


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