Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Big 30

30 days in, already.

I woke up at 10:30 am, got ready, and read some articles. I made scrambled eggs and had toast with jelly for breakfast. I grabbed my ipod, backpack, and headed to book arts. Today was a work period and I finished my five books. We are making a case for them on Monday so I kept the books in the classroom. I really like them and can't wait to show you guys the final product, case and all.

After class I ran to the supermarket and got a few necessities: stuff for dinner, milk, fruit, juice, etc. I came home, emptied the contents from my backpack to the fridge, and checked emails. I talked to mom, erin 1 and then began making dinner. I made pre-made chicken cordon bleu, with corn and bread. With it, a glass of white wine. Duhlishuss.

After dinner, I talked to erin 2 for a bit, and then called Papaw to tell him some stuff about the apartment. I have requested receipts from my landlord, and to her various attempts to avoid giving me them (long story, but she isn't renting this apartment legally and so she is afraid to give receipts that actually state that I'm paying her for rent, whatever) Anyway, she sent an email claiming that the lease document was 'good enough' to prove my housing; however it is not. I insisted that I must receive the receipts before I pay her the next month's rent. At the sight of this, she quickly agreed to giving me receipts... we'll see if they are what I asked for or if another lame excuse will try and replace them. She is doing a lot of shady stuff in an effort to get as much money as she can out of me. She must think that I'm some stupid foreigner unable to see through the illegal things she is trying to do. Anyway, I digress.

After talking to Papaw, I read for a while and then I began planning the train routes that we'll have to take for our fall break trip. The plan, as of now, is to hit up Paris, London, Amsterdam, and Bern in a sort of European Loop over the 10 days that we have to travel. It took a while to lay everything out, time wise, but after 2 hours of checking timetables, I believe I have a pretty decent Itinerary. Paris from Friday to Sunday. London from Sunday to Tuesday. Amsterdam for Wednesday and Thursday. And, finally, Bern from Friday to Sunday. It will be intense, but well worth the experience. If any of you have any recommendations for 'must see' places in any of those cities, please let me know.

After doing the planning, I took a shower. It's easier to take them at night because of the 8:30 am class tomorrow. So, now, with less than 8 hours to go before that class starts, I must sleep. Goodnight!

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