Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 50!!!!!

Today I woke up at 10:15am, 2 hours after what my alarm was set for. The batteries died in it, making me miss one of the video shoots I was assigned. Perfect way to begin the day, I'd say.

I got up and showered, ate some cereal, and read emails. I was shocked to receive some comments on the blog from some people. Cinque Terre left me a comment for example, and Mr. Anonymous left a comment concerning Eurostar, yet I can't get a real representative to answer the phone. I left for my design class at 12:58.

In design, I worked some more on the Identity project. It's a large project but I'm having a blast putting it together. I also checked some train times. After class, I came home for a sandwich and then borrowed Antonio's bike to go to the train station. I booked the overnight train from Paris to Florence as well as the Venice trains. I stopped by SACI to try and find Sam, the receptionist, but he was gone for the day. I rode the bike to the design center to work some more on the Identity. I tried to print some things off for printmaking, but once again the printers failed to do what they're made to do.

I went home and made dinner; spaghetti with spices and a weird meat that my roommate bought. It's almost as if it wants to be a salami or peperoni but with a unique flavor. I also made garlic bread by rubbing olive oil on the top of the bread and sprinkling garlic powder and pepper on top and baking it.

After dinner, I did some more research for my fall break trip. I booked the hostel that I'm staying in in London as well as looked into some of attractions. I helped Greg book his flight from Edinburgh to Florence and back. I then talked to some friends I have that have been to London to get their input. Now, It's late and I'm tired from looking at the computer for so long today.


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