Thursday, November 20, 2008

day eighty.

I woke up this morning at 9 am, was in the shower when the most peculiar thing hit me. I had totally slept through my 8:30 am art history class. This is what I was talking about in yesterday's post. I've become to overloaded with things that they have distracted me from the things they shouldn't distract me from. I rushed through the shower and took the bike to class. I snuck in the class quietly and just as I was sitting down, Helen made a comment that went something like:

'and here is a work by donatello, kind of late aren't we, this is a statue he did when was young, over an hour right, and he used the lost wax method...'

My entire life I've hated being late to class and being the center of attention at that moment where everyone looks at you and you know they are all wondering why you're late and then when Helen makes it known verbally it increases that awkwardness by 100%.

After class Helen drove her point even more by directly stating the obvious about my tardiness. I just said I had no excuse and that was the end of that. Had I tried to explain my severe case of being overcome with too many things, she wouldn't have understood.

I met with the video team and we headed to a couple of SACI apartments to shoot the interior of it. It was fun and we had some good times. I was pushed around on a rolly chair to get some nice motion shots of the space. After we were done taping, I grabbed my backpack and bike from SACI and headed to design. I spent 3.5 hours designing some more of my book and sent some comps to Matt, my advisor, to get his opinion about it. After class, I went to SACI to meet with Katerina, the director of the school of art, and Julie Barnes who is a dean at BGSU. We had some gelato and talked about my experience and the good and bad that has come with it. It was nice talking to them and it was relaxing to sit down and reflect a little bit. After this I went directly home, grabbed my clothes and ran to the laundry mat. I did the laundry, read some of my book grabbed some cereal and milk for the breakfast potluck at Melissa, Kathryn and Liz's apartment. A lot of people showed up and it was a great time, as all of the times with SACI students seem to be. It's said to think that there is only 3 weeks left with these people. After some talking, eating, drinking, talking, and 2 and a half hours I decided to venture home.

I caught up on all the blog entries and now hope to get everything packed up and ready to go for my weekend trip to Rome. Goodnight!

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