Wednesday, November 26, 2008

dia ate sicks

I woke up at 7:59 and headed for the shower. I got dressed, grabbed the camera and tripod and took the bust to the fresco bottega. I filmed the students mixing color and preparing the cartoon. I got some footage of them transferring the cartoon for the sinopia, and of them applying more plaster. I went to lunch with the students and had some amazing pasta and meatballs from a small bar nearby. I got some footage of them actually painting on the fresco. And then it became 1 pm and I was late for book arts.

I finally got to book arts at 2 and told Patricia of the reason I was late. And then, I ventured out again to my apartment to get some money and then to some art supply stores in search for decorative paper and book cloth. All the stores seemed to be closed when I needed them most and was forced to ride around on the bike until they opened. At last, at 3:30 they did and I bought some decorative paper as well as some paper for my signatures for the next book we're doing on Monday. I got back to the Fuji center right at 4 and nearly everyone had already left. I did some more work on the stamp book and then headed to SACI.

I went upstairs to the library where I spent the next 4 hours doing research for my term paper. I found some images and articles online as well as some sources in the library. At nine, the library closed so I grabbed the bike and headed out. On the walk through the gallery I realized the back tire was extremely flat. Luckily, Alessia helped me grab a bike pump (how amazing that someone had a bike pumped) and I was on my way.

I made it home and talked to Greg online for a while before his flight. He leaves at 7:45 Cincinnati time for Edinburgh, Scotland. He should arrive a couple hours before me tomorrow (We're going to go golfing at St. Andrews!). For dinner, I made spaghetti and sauce with some garlic bread. After dinner, I did some research for the trip this weekend.

Now, it's time to sleep. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun in Scotland!